Human Trafficking
most commonly known as sexual exploitation or labor exploitation. Sexual Assault
is where the abuser uses physical force or intimidation to obligate the victim into sexual intercourse or to perform sexual acts against their will or without their consent. Incest is where the abuser (i.e. father, mother, brother, sister) is related to the victim (i.e. parent, sibling, child). Sexual Exploitation
In many parts of the world, it is known as Human Trafficking, but it is also known as “La Trata” in Spanish. It is the kidnapping or recruitment, transporting, transfer, and selling of human beings through the use of threats, lies, or coercion and violence for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Stalking
Although hard to define, it is constant acts of unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual towards another person. This behavior in most cases is used to intimidate and harass the recipient. The behavior can entail following the person, constantly calling the person, using third parties to contact the person, constantly texting the person, etc. Labor Exploitation
Labor traffickers, recruiters, contractors, employers or others– use physical force, intimidation, control, coercion, lies, or debt bondage to force people to work under deplorable conditions with little to no pay or against their will. |